Places to Exhibit Your Art and Get Your Name Out There

Sep 12, 22 Places to Exhibit Your Art and Get Your Name Out There

If you’re an artist, chances are you’ve considered exhibiting your work. But where do you start? And how can you make sure your work gets seen by the right people?

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a venue for your art. First, consider the type of art you make. What kind of atmosphere do you want to create with your work? Do you want a more formal setting or something more relaxed? Second, think about your budget. How much can you afford to spend on displaying your art? Finally, consider your audience. Who do you want to see your work? And who do they typically visit for exhibitions?

Keep these factors in mind as you choose a place to exhibit your art, and remember that the most important thing is to get started! The more places you submit your work to, the better your chance of getting noticed. So don’t be afraid to put yourself out there – the world needs to see what YOU offer!

Surprisingly awesome places to exhibit your art

Articles like these are meant to give you an overview of places where you can show and sell your work. They’re not intended to be comprehensive lists but a starting point for your research.

  1. Art Fairs and Festivals

One of the best ways to get your art out in front of a large number of people is by participating in art fairs and festivals. There are often many different events happening all at once, so it’s important to select the ones that will be the most beneficial for you and your artwork.

art shows

  1. Local Galleries

Another great way to get your name and artwork out is by exhibiting in local galleries. This can be a great way to build up a rapport with gallery owners and potentially have your work shown in multiple locations.

  1. Online Galleries

In addition to exhibiting in physical galleries, you can reach a global audience by displaying your artwork in online galleries. This is a great way to get your work seen by people worldwide, and it can also be a very lucrative option.

  1. Art Shows

Another excellent way to get your artwork out there is by participating in art shows. These events are often juried, which means that a panel of experts will select which pieces will be on display. This can be a great way to get some recognition from your peers and make some sales.

  1. Social Media

Finally, remember the power of social media. This is a great way to connect with potential customers and fans worldwide. Make sure to post high-quality images of your work, and be sure to include links back to your website or online galleries.

These are just a few places to exhibit your artwork and get your name out there. The most important thing is to keep creating new pieces and never give up on your dreams.

Exhibition space types for your art business

There are various exhibition spaces available for artists to showcase their work. Here are some of the most common:

  1. Traditional art galleries: These types of galleries usually represent a number of artists and often have regular exhibitions. They can be either public or private, for-profit or non-profit.
  2. Artist-run galleries: As the name suggests, these are typically run by artists, either individually or collectively. They may be for-profit or non-profit and often have a smaller scale than traditional galleries.
  3. Alternative spaces include anything from coffee shops and bars to vacant storefronts and even outdoor spaces. They tend to be less formal than traditional gallery settings and often feature work by emerging or experimental artists.
  4. Museum exhibitions: Museums often host temporary exhibitions of contemporary art, which can be a great way to see work by established and up-and-coming artists side by side.
  5. Private collections: Some collectors open their homes or offices to the public, allowing visitors to see works, not on view in any other setting.
  6. Public art: Many cities have dedicated areas for public art, such as parks or plazas. These spaces often feature permanent or temporary installations by both local and international artists.